Integrated Settlements
Durable Solutions II is providing site planning support to 20 integrated and non-integrated settlements and shelter reconstruction support to 280 households to address the lack of viability and resilience of newly relocated settlements.
Site planning for resettlement sites
DS-II is supporting the NRA with comprehensive integrated settlement site planning support including producing a detailed project report (DPR). This will consist of preparatory works, pre-feasibility assessment study, site planning by an engineering team, development of DPRs as per the NRA’s Revised IS Policy of 2075 and, lastly, follow-up support during the DPR approval stage.
Technical assistance for shelter reconstruction
DS-II is providing shelter reconstruction support to relocated households through a monitoring-only modality. Mobile engineers and site managers will monitor key construction progress milestones as detailed by the Government of Nepal/Shelter Cluster Nepal’s 10 Key Messages to guide the shelter reconstruction across selected relocated settlements.
Mobile engineering team for technical reconnaissance surveys
DS-II has deployed mobile engineering teams to carry out comprehensive survey of relocated settlements with specific technical needs and/or lacking in proper site plans. The teams will be mobilized before and after the monsoon to ensure the effects of the rainy season are incorporated. The survey findings and recommendations will be shared with local authorities, the NRA, and other relevant partners to ensure appropriate steps are taken to address long-term viability and resilience of the surveyed sites.